End of Dispensation Guidelines
Rev. May 26, 2021
Revised 10/13/21
For safety reasons (non-COVID related), we will continue to use the entrance we have been presently using, the handicap door at the South end of the Main Vestibule. The door will be closed and locked approximately fifteen minutes after Mass begins.
Hymnals have been returned to the pews.
Votive candles will be available for lighting before and after Mass in the Mary, Christ the King, and St. Joseph Chapels.
Members of the Hospitality team will be present at Mass to answer questions and to assist parishioners and guests.
The church will be partitioned into three sections. The four sets of pews on the North side of the church (blue) will be reserved for those who are comfortable without masks or social distancing. The four sets of pews on the South side of the church (green & yellow) will be reserved for those wishing to wear masks. Additionally, those in the farthest south two sections of pews will also practice social distancing (yellow). For those sitting in the far South section, please use the pews marked with white tape. We will evaluate this as needed.
As the South side will observe social distancing and mask wearing, please be respectful of people’s preferences.
During Mass, we will continue to use the donation box(es) at the foot of the sanctuary for tithe. E-Giving continues to be available through Faith Direct at https://membership.faithdirect.net/OH796.
The cry rooms on both sides of the Church will be open and available for use.
The open restrooms continue to be those in the lower level and the main vestibule.
On the South side, a Eucharistic Minister will come to you with communion. In all other sections, the people will come forward to a Eucharistic Minister. The Eucharistic Minister on the South side will wear a mask while distributing communion. All Eucharistic Ministers will use hand sanitizer before distributing communion. Low Gluten hosts will continue to be available from all Eucharistic ministers. Those on the North side may return to receiving either in their hand or on their tongue. Those wishing to receive on their tongue please receive at the end of the line or request a celebrant after mass.
At the end of Mass, you may exit through any of the doors.
Confession, adoration, and anointing of the sick is offered in English and Spanish on Thursday evenings from 6-7 PM. Please continue to use the North doors. Father will hear confessions in the North Cry Room instead of the Chapel.