Immaculate Conception
Food Pantry

IC Food Pantry's goal is to serve both the parish community and the Belmont neighborhood.

Below are three ways in which IC food pantry continues to serve!

Please see below if you are in need of assistance or if you wish to serve.

Your continued support, both financially and through volunteering, will allow this ministry to flourish.
Please designate financial contributions "Food Pantry."

IC partners with BOGG. BOGG Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, and other essentials to those in need. Their primary ministry is the Mobile Meals program. The Mobile Meals program comes to IC's school playground on the third Thursday of each month. It provides, for example, a family of three with 3 meals a day for 3-5 days. IC sponsors the Mobile Meals program at our location by using the donation from the monthly IC Food pantry envelopes.

See more Information here.

Immaculate Conception School Blessing Bag Program

To volunteer please see below.

The ICS Blessing Bag program provides assistance to students who need supplemental nutrition during the weekends. Each year, parents have the option to sign their student up to participate in the program. Blessing Bags are given each weekend throughout the school year. Each bag contains breakfast, fruit, lunch, & a snack for the weekend.


Immaculate Conception Food Pantry

To volunteer please see below.

The food pantry provides grocery boxes for registered members of the parish and IC school families. IC Food Pantry will work with the family advocate at IC School to help families. As this ministry is more targeted, the Food Pantry will have a curated list of food items for distribution and will communicate the greatest needs with the wider church community through the weekly Bulletin. Please see below for a standard stock list of donatable items or see the bulletin for our items of greatest need.

The Food Pantry's Grocery Boxes typically includes:

Grocery Box - These come in 2 sizes, large & small. A large box feeds a family while a small box feeds a single person or couple. These boxes provide the necessary items to make meals for 3-5 days.

Food Pantry Standard Stock Items (Can also be downloaded below) [updated 5/14/2024]

Helping hands graphic used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

IC Food Pantry Thanksgiving Food Baskets

We are requesting items for the IC Food Pantry Thanksgiving baskets: Please have to church by 11/3/2024

IC Despensa de Alimentos Cestas de Acción de Gracias

Solicitamos artículos para las canastas de Acción de Gracias de la Despensa de Alimentos IC. Por favor, tráigalos a la iglesia por el 3 de noviembre de 2024.