Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of adults is designed for those seekers wish to be baptized and initiated into the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. It is also designed for those who are already baptized but seek full communion with the Catholic Church. At Immaculate Conception Parish, it is common for a large number of adults, youth and teens to be welcomed into the Church each year. For this reason, the parish has designed a very well-structured and welcoming program to cater to the needs of its large number of catechumens and candidates. Fr, Satish Joseph, who holds a doctoral degree in Theology, has developed a team of competent speakers, catechists, and theologians who implement a comprehensive syllabus that covers the importance of scripture, sacraments, history, tradition, devotion and community in the Catholic Church. The focus of these session, even though intellectual, does not fail to stress the fact that any effort to become familiar with the Catholic Church is first and foremost a desire to encounter Jesus Christ and become his disciple. Faith without knowing the love of God can become empty ritualism. 

The RCIA sessions generally run concurrent with the school year, though they end with the feast of Pentecost. Those being baptized or welcomed into full communion with the Catholic church are offered the opportunity to do so at the Easter Vigil. 

RCIA sessions are held each Sunday morning from 9:30 - 10:45 am, followed by the 11:00 am Mass.  The first session typically begins late August.  During Mass, the catechumens and candidates are dismissed to further discuss the scripture readings for the day. According to the needs of the groups each year, RCIA sessions are held separately for adults, youth and children over seven years of age. 

If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact Will Marsh

2024 - 25 RCIA Schedule.pdf
Session Descriptions 2024-2025.pdf