WHAT does Uprising look like?

Each week teens will GATHER for games, snacks, & fellowship, followed by the PROCLAIM, a brief talk or video. Then BREAK for intentional small groups, which are the heart of Uprising, as youth share their life and their faith with one another. SEND sets the weekly challenge & offers a closing prayer experience.

WHAT is Uprising?

It is the Jr. High/Middle School component of IC Youth Ministry. It blends aspects of community, religious education, spiritual formation, and practical ways of living the Christian life that are fun & relevant.

Uprising fulfills the religious education requirements for students who attend public schools.

FOR GRADES 7 & 8  -  TUESDAYS 6:30-8:00pm

Mission of Uprising

We want to lead teens closer to Christ through authentic Christian relationships & opportunities to encounter God in a way that transforms their whole life -- including their families, friends, community, and future church families.

Interested in Volunteering

We've all heard the expression "it takes a village..." and youth ministry is no different. Youth ministry is at its best when it has the support of the entire parish family—teens and families, adult volunteers, kitchen ministers, chaperones, mentors, drivers, prayer partners, and donors all make it possible to share our faith connect teens to God, and help build up the Church for years to come.

For more information contact Will Marsh at 937.252.9919 ext. 208 or email.

Contact for Uprising:

937.252.9919 x209    |    Email